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Linda Southworth (DOMP)

Osteopathic Practitioner


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Why Suffer Pain?

Linda Southworth (DOMP)
UK trained Osteopathic Practitioner
Member of Osteopathy BC
Located in Sechelt, BC.
osteopath gibsons BC Sechelt BC
We are now open SATURDAYS upon request.
Phone for your appointment

Medavie/Blue Cross plans now accept 
Osteopathic Treatment, inc. VAC and RCMP claims

What does an Osteopathic Practitioner do?
Osteopathy uses gentle spine/joint adjustments, along with deep tissue massage techniques to correct your body and relive pain. Unlike some disciplines, a British-trained Osteopathic Practitioner will soften up the muscular tissues before using any manipulative/adjustment techniques. This ensures a more effective treatment, a quicker resolution to your pain, a more gentle manipulation/adjustment, and fewer treatments needed. We like to see positive pain reduction and general improvement in three treatments or less, ideally. Many of our patients only need to visit us once or twice a year once their condition has stabilized.
Essentially osteopathy uses the practice of balancing and correcting problems relating to the musculoskeletal system using gentle joint adjustments, relieving pain, and encouraging the body to heal itself. When the bones, joints and muscles are not working harmoniously, other systems of the body begin to stop functioning smoothly. Our philosophy contends that the body is capable of healing itself, but only when the musculoskeletal system is properly aligned. An Osteopathic Practitioner adjusts and applies pressure to the affected part of the body to release stress and tension. It also works on organs and other bones within the body, improving posture, relieving pain and promoting a well-functioning body. Osteopathy does not stop at the spine as the main source of pain and disease, searching the entire body for the source of any ailments.

Most Extended Medical plans now cover osteopathy in Canada

Hot weather? We are fully AIR CONDITIONED at our clinic!


Here are just some of the conditions we commonly treat:

Bursitis  Tendonitis  Tendonopathy

Tenosynovitis  Capsulitis  Arthropathy

mild to moderate Osteoarthritis/Osteoarthrosis

Disc degeneration  Degenerative Disc disease

mild Disc Bulge  Neuralgia

Brachial nerve pain  Sciatic nerve pain

Neck Pain  Back Pain  Frozen Shoulder       
‘Slipped’ Discs   Sciatic Pain/Sciatica  Headaches  
Pulled Muscles  R.S.I.   RTA Injuries  Sports Injuries
Adolescent back pain
Chondromalacia Patella
Osgood Schlatters disease
Herniated/prolapsed/bulging intervertebral disc lesions
Intervertebral facet joint dysfunction/disease
Lumbago   Fibrositis
Fibromylagia   Spondylolysthesis
Spina Bifida   Partial Sacralisation
Facet joint sprain/strain
Muscular tears/ruptures/scar tissue
Psoas Bursitis   Whiplash
Hyperextension injury
Headaches   Migraine   TMJ


This list is by no means exhaustive; please feel free to enquire about other conditions.

Linda is a UK trained osteopathic practitioner who has over 30 years of experience helping patients overcome their conditions and rapidly return to a pain free life. Now relocated on Canada’s west coast of British Columbia in the community of Sechelt, north of Gibsons, BC, she continues to help people using traditional time proven osteopathic techniques that are unique to her profession, and is one of only a small handful of full-time trained British osteopathic practitioners in the province of British Columbia.

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#105-5674 Teredo Street, Sechelt BC

Our door is located on Inlet Ave., across from the Pharmasave parking lot on the street level. We are NOT located on Teredo Street or in Teredo Square.

OPEN Mon-Fri.

Tel: 778-458-3003

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